Why Tornado Alley Chooses Worldwide Steel Buildings

Posted on October 27, 2016

Tornado Destruction aftermath - Steel Building RemainsBefore a tornado hit in May of 2013, Dan had four metal buildings on his property in Marysville, Kansas. After the tornado, only one of those buildings was still standing. Find out why Dan chose to replace the buildings he lost with another Worldwide Steel Building.

“Large but Slow” Tornado Strikes Kansas

Twitter-storm-postIn the spring of 2013, a widespread tornadic event produced strong winds and tornadoes across the Great Plains. During this storm-spree, an EF2 tornado, capable of up to 135 mph winds, blew through Dan’s property.

When the storm cleared away, only one of Dan’s four building was still standing. His two pole barns and Quonset (a rounded, metal structure) had been destroyed by the storm. However, the single Worldwide Steel Building on his property had survived the storm with hardly a scratch.

The Obvious Choice to Rebuild

Unfortunately, Dan lost a lot of possessions in the storm. In fact, so many of his belongings were lost when the three buildings collapsed, Dan only needed to replace all three buildings with one new one. After losing so much to one storm, choosing to build a second Worldwide Steel Building was the obvious choice.

Since the storm, Dan has referred several friends and neighbors to Worldwide Steel Buildings, and he’s told the story of his building’s strength to many more.  

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